ILS 2016 graduate is successful student at Jacobs University in Germany

"Nikita, what do you remember most vividly about your time at ILS?

"What I remember best is the projects we were involved in all the time, including theatrical shows, social events, and international academic Olympiads.

"What did you learn from your classmates?"

"Thanks to my classmates, I became friendlier and more open."

"Is there anything you regret, now that you've finished school?"

"Mainly, I guess, that I did not always pay enough attention during classes, that I didn't always do my homework, and that I could have studied harder."

"Each ILS graduate expands our school's presence in the world," notes ILS principal Olga Shevchenko. "We are already well known to universities in Canada, Australia, Japan, Switzerland, China, South Korea, New Zealand, the USA, and England. Now it's Germany's turn to get to know our graduates, and I hope that all of Nikita's wishes and plans come to fruition."


ILS 2016 graduate is successful student at Jacobs University in Germany ILS 2016 graduate is successful student at Jacobs University in Germany

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