Anfisa Bogdanenko – winner of Russian National Robot Olympiad

ILS 9th grader Anfisa Bogdanenko was the winner of Russian National Robot Olympiad and was chosen for the Russian All-Star Team in robot technology. Anfisa in now preparing intensively for the World Robot Olympiad – 2017, which will be held this November in Costa Rica, with the Russian team competing against the strongest teams from around the world.

Anfisa competes in the middle age group and has participated in three Russian national stages of the competition, as well as Federal robot technology meets.

“I do a lot of work in order to achieve high results,” Anfisa reports. “I believe there should always be equal competitive conditions for everyone, with no exceptions made for teams with girls, and I think my result in the Russian National Robot Olympiad confirms this.”

Anfisa Bogdanenko – winner of Russian National Robot Olympiad Anfisa Bogdanenko – winner of Russian National Robot Olympiad Anfisa Bogdanenko – winner of Russian National Robot Olympiad Anfisa Bogdanenko – winner of Russian National Robot Olympiad

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