Representatives of Tokyo International University visit ILS, discuss educational opportunities in Japan

Representatives of Tokyo International University (TIU), Takeo Kobayashi and Jonathan Todd, together with the Anna Popova, director of the Far Eastern Corps of Executives, discussed the advantages and specifics of study at TIU with ILS high school students and their parents.

"Today TIU is one of the most prestigious higher edcuational institutions in Japan," explains Jonathan Todd. "Matriculating students can choose from among nine areas: medicine, pharmacology, law, natural sciences and humanities, economics, engineering and technical sciences, pedagogy and agriculture. Courses are taught in English and Japanese."

"ILS graduates are studying successfully at universities in Russia, the USA, Canada, China, Germany, the UK andSouth Korea, to name just a few, and have chosen a wide range of areas to specialize in. Our students have a strong mastery of various languages, which helps them in their development and advancement."

Representatives of Tokyo International University visit ILS, discuss educational opportunities in Japan Representatives of Tokyo International University visit ILS, discuss educational opportunities in Japan Representatives of Tokyo International University visit ILS, discuss educational opportunities in Japan

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