ILS students deal successfully with Cambridge exams

As ILS students constantly discover first-hand: knowing English opens new opportunities for communication, such as educational trips to overseas universities, which require strong language preparation.

"English lessons immediately become a priority for almost all our students," notes Svetlana Feshchenko, who teaches English at ILS and serves as English Language subject coordinator. "We have students from Great Britain, India, South Korea, Japan, the Netherlands and China, and for all of them the language of communication is English, which helps stimulate our Russian students to master English too."

"Since 2014, our school has been a Cambridge exam preparation center," explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "ILS English teachers attend seminars to upgrade their qualifications on a regular basis, and the fruits of their efforts are seen in our students' excellent results on the Cambridge exams. We congratulate all of those who received evaluations of 'Good' and 'Excellent' on the latest exams, and wish them continued success in their studies."

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