ILS 6th graders visit unique military sites on Russian Island

Every autumn, ILS students and teachers have interesting excursions on Health Day. This year, 6th graders from section 6M2, together with their math and homeroom teacher Olga Krotenok, went to Russian Island to see the Voroshilov Battery military site.

"The students and I decided to find out more about the city's history, while getting some fresh air and exercise," explains Olga Krotenok. "In addition to the Voroshilov Battery, there are also forts built to defend the city, as well as ammunition caves."

The Voroshilov Battery is a unique fortification built in the 1930s, a true miracle of military technology. The 6th graders enjoyed visiting every part of the complex and took many photographs."

"Our students need to learn what it means to have a healthy lifestyle," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko, "and educational game methods as well as hikes and similar excursions contribute to this."

ILS 6th graders visit unique military sites on Russian Island ILS 6th graders visit unique military sites on Russian Island ILS 6th graders visit unique military sites on Russian Island ILS 6th graders visit unique military sites on Russian Island ILS 6th graders visit unique military sites on Russian Island ILS 6th graders visit unique military sites on Russian Island ILS 6th graders visit unique military sites on Russian Island

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