Fox Tales issue No.9: plans for the future, volunteering, international cooperation

The 9th issue of the school newspaper, Fox Tales, has been published. As always, the first issue of the new school year features an interview with ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko, who talks about new elements of school life, tells students and teachers what awaits them this year, reports on what universities our graduates are attending, and shares her ideas about the importance of knowledge. The new issue of Fox Tales also includes articles about international cooperation and our students’ work as volunteers, and features first-time articles with our volleyball and basketball coaches.

“I wrote about our school’s volunteer work,” explains 10th grader Veronika Zhandarmova. “The theme of this year’s International Week was volunteering and volunteers. Many students in our school donate their time to activities such as working in orphanages and helping the organizers at important local events, and I decided that students should know the names of students who do this.”

“I specialize in interviews,” says 7th grader Denis Predit. “This time I interviewed athletes, and I believe the articles show what kind of people our coaches are."

Each quarter, the Fox Tales team of students in grades 5-12 prepares a new issue for the school community. Our young writers report on many aspects of school life, including significant events, books that students and teachers enjoy, and the thoughts of our international students about life and study in Russia.

Fox Tales issue No.9: plans for the future, volunteering, international cooperation

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