Young ILS musicians charm the judges at “Shining pearl” competition in Shanghai

ILS 5th graders Arina Shklyayeva and Yevgeny Boyarko (section 5M3) together with 7th graders Artem Gatin and Polina Guryanova (ыусешщт 7M1) were 1st degree prize winners at the 4th International Festival-Competition “Shining pearl” in the Chinese city of Shanghai.

Our students competed as part of the “Musical jewelry box” ensemble from the Classical European Pro-Gymnasium, led by Tatyana Krasnova.

The event was jointly organized by the Shanghai Department of Culture, the “Our world” Cultural and Educational Center, and the Shanghai School of Art and Culture.

“The main goal of the competition was to popularize Russian creative arts overseas and strengthen international ties,” explains Tatyana Krasnova. “Our young musicians got to know their peers, enjoyed the cultural exchange, and honed their skills.”

“Participation in international competitions is very useful for our students,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “They increase their musical mastery while learning about the cultural specifics of other participating countries. Moreover, teachers and group leaders get a chance to make valuable contacts.”

Young ILS musicians charm the judges at “Shining pearl” competition in Shanghai Young ILS musicians charm the judges at “Shining pearl” competition in Shanghai Young ILS musicians charm the judges at “Shining pearl” competition in Shanghai Young ILS musicians charm the judges at “Shining pearl” competition in Shanghai Young ILS musicians charm the judges at “Shining pearl” competition in Shanghai Young ILS musicians charm the judges at “Shining pearl” competition in Shanghai

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