ILS students expand their knowledge of Internet safety

Students in 9th grade sections 9M2 and 9M3 had a lesson-quest in cyber-security conducted by Maya Shalunova, who serves as assistant to Primorye Region Duma member Sergei Sopchuk.

The quest consisted of several stages, each of which was worth a specific number of points.

For example, “crocodile”: using gestures only, the students had to illustrate ideas such as “ban”, “repost”, “forbidden content”, and “Internet”.

In the next stage, the students were required to define what “personal data” includes and what constitutes an “internet threat”, receiving two points for each correct answer.

The students also had to create what they believed would be a highly secure password.

“A reliable password contains 6-12 symbols, including upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and one other symbol of some type,” explains Maya Shalunova.

The 9th graders enjoyed dealing with each task they faced, and later were awarded certificates for completing the quest.

“In our modern world the Internet, along with its many benefits, contains a great many threats,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “We believe it is important for our students to know how to protect themselves when using this network.”

ILS students expand their knowledge of Internet safety ILS students expand their knowledge of Internet safety ILS students expand their knowledge of Internet safety ILS students expand their knowledge of Internet safety ILS students expand their knowledge of Internet safety ILS students expand their knowledge of Internet safety ILS students expand their knowledge of Internet safety

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