ILS joins Herzen Educational District of St. Petersburg university

On October 29, ILS signed a cooperation agreement with St. Petersburg’s Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University (RSPU), making our school a member of the Herzen Educational District.

“ILS has been working with RSPU for several years,” explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “RSPU teachers have come to ILS on a number of occasions to hold their Advanced Qualifications Program for our teachers. In addition, ILS students and teachers go to St. Petersburg on a regular basis to participate in educational programs at the university.”

Our school’s membership in the Herzen Educational District is aimed at joint development of the educational system, increasing the quality of education, incorporating innovative educational technology, and promoting continuous training and retraining of our teachers.

“We are very grateful to our colleagues at RSPU,” says Olga Shevchenko. “For us, this is an additional opportunity to bring the university's intellectual, informational and scientific resources to our school for the good of our students and teachers.”

ILS joins Herzen Educational District of St. Petersburg university

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