Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge

Science Week continues with exciting Game Club matches, this time with teams from our 5th and 9th grades competing.

The 9th grade match was highly emotional, with fans supporting the teams enthusiastically.

"We did our best, but our opponents were stronger," said Artem Rednikin, captain of team 9M1. "But I hope we will have a chance to show them who is best!"

The teams were well prepared for the games, testing their knowledge and erudition. For example, they had to know how many bones are in a healthy grown person's body and how bays were called in Ancient Rus and who won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

For 9th grade sections the results were:

1st place 9м3, 390 points

2nd place 9м2, 370 points

 3rd place 9м1, 190 points

5th grade resutls were:

1st place: 5м3, 1,205 points

2nd place – 5м2, 560 ploints

3rd place – 5м1, 465 points

"The game topic - continents, ocenas, biology - was very interesting, notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "Our students like this activity, and prepared themselves well. The game was highly competitive, and for everyone it was an excellent chance to strengthen their knowledge."

Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge Game Club in ILS grades 9 and 5: how to win? Quick reaction and knowledge

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