ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players

The winter sports competitions continue at ILS, with 5th graders vying for the top spots in team and individual table tennis.

The winners were: 5M1, 1st place; 5M2, 2nd place; and 5M3, 3rd place.

The top players were

st place: Zakhar Topalov 

2nd place: Vladislav Milyutin

 3rd place: Arsenii Kirieto

Pioneerball results for 6th graders were:

1st place: 6M3

2nd place: 6M2

3rd place: 6M1

ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players ILS decides: Who are the school's best table tennis and pioneerball players

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