Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer

ILS 8th graders took part in the annual English-language research project. This year's topic is “National Superheroes and their Role in History.”

The groups first presented national heroes of America, China, Japan and Korea. Then, they told the audience about a superhero of the future they had created, indicating what they look like, what problems they will solve, and how they can help not only their own country, but all of humanity.

Groups were as follows:




8M1    section 1


Ksenya Melenchuk

8M1    section 2


Aleksandra Matiushina

8M2    section 1


Elena Ozarnikova

8M2    section 2


Juliia Gofman

After calculating the points awarded by each judge, the jury announced the winner, which was 8M1, section 1, representing Japan. Under the guidance of ILS English language teacher Ksenia Melenchuk, the students came up with a charming superhero in traditional Japanese geta sandals and a T-shirt with the image of the national flag. During the day the hero is a pleasant fat man, but at night, he is a superhero fighting for justice.

“All the groups were well prepared for their defense,” notes Svetlana Feshchenko, who teaches English language at ILS and serves as coordinator for all English-language subjects in grades 5–9. “The presentations and speeches are more and more delightful every year for the audience and judges. Tomorrow we will see the 7th graders’ presentations.”

Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer Who is he, the superhero of the future? ILS students know the answer

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