Congratulation speech of the principal due to the beginning of the new academic year

Congratulation speech of the principal due to the beginning of the new academic year.
1st of September is a special day for each of us – a new school year begins, which will once again unite students, teachers and parents, which will once again fill the school with new meanings, new ideas, new dreams!
Having crossed the threshold of the International Linguistic School, each student becomes part of a large and friendly team, take responsibility for each other, study with pleasure and are inspired by new knowledge and make huge plans.
So let the new academic year become interesting and exciting for all of us: teachers will generously share their knowledge and warmth with each student of our school, and students will become more confident, more successful, more reasonable. Dear students, let there be loyal friends and good people next to you during all school years, and success for all of us!

Principal of International Linguistic School                                   O.S.Shevchenko

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690106 Владивосток, Партизанский пр-т,44
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