School News

The sport competition was completed by the sixth, seventh and eighth grade students last week. They competed in in table tennis, chess and pioneer ball. More

Participating in the NTO, students from all over Russia study with best specialists of leading scientific fields, and solve the tasks set by state-owned companies, leaders of technological industries, breakthrough technology companies. More

On March 11 at 14.00 we invite everyone to the International competition of young costume designers "Junior Fashion & Design". The Underground theater and concert complex will bring together the best designers from all over the Far East. 300 participants, 43 collections will compete for the right to become the best in the categories: "Fashion Street", "Fashion & Nature", "Romance in a suit", "One Dress Contest", "Fashion of Miracles", "Best of the best" and "Industrial Design". More

Stay healthy, have, joy, new clothes, flowers, smiles, gifts, and most importantly - of course, love! More

Students of grades 8M1 and 8M2 prepared a number of projects to improve the formation of the budget of the "Land of the Leopard". Our students started working on the project during a sightseeing trip to the "Land of the Leopard", where the park staff spoke about the features of its work. More

She is professionally engaged in music – her instrument is a xylophone. Sofia connects her future with music, so participating in contests has become an important part of her musical education. More

The third term is time for sport: all grades played volleyball, basketball, table tennis, football, pionerball. Each class showed its athletic character and showed high athletic results. More

A student of the 5M2 of the International Linguistic School had a dream for a long time to name his pet Koritsa, but it didn't happen and his beloved Pomeranian has a completely different name. More

The main goal of this contest is to give each participant the opportunity to find their strengths and reveal their talents. The evaluation criterion for the "Big Break" is not academic performance, but soft skills that will be useful to children in the modern world: the ability to work in a team, communicative qualities, the ability to find non-standard solutions in difficult situations. More

The activity game "Vladivostok - the city of the future" ended with the presentation of projects. Three months our students explored the development opportunities of Vladivostok, went on excursions, met with people who made their personal contribution to the development of Vladivostok. More

February 27, 2022, in the city of Kusa, Chelyabinsk region, the Russian Championship in alpine skiing among participants U-15 has ended, where Alexander Polyakov, a student of the 9th grade, took 5th place in the super giant discipline and repeatedly fulfilled the standard of a candidate for master of sports.The student of the 6M1 Korney Kosy and the student of the 1A Ivan Pleshakov are happy with their sporting successes. Korney became the first in the giant slalom discipline in his age group at the championship of Primorsky region in alpine skiing, and Ivan became the second in the Championship of Vladivostok. More

Koritsa, that in Russian is Cinnamon - such an official name was given to the leopardess L164F, the custodian of which has become the International Linguistic School. The ILS Leopard Guardian certificate was awarded to the school in December 2021. More

Students of 8M1 and 8M2 spent their Health day in National Park "Land of the Leopard". They had not only a fascinating excursion, where they saw the leopard's habitat - a cave, but also an educational study "The budget of the Federal State Budgetary Institution" Land of the Leopard ". The trip of the 8M3 students to the Sedanka reservoir was also very exciting! More

The Open Day at the International Linguistic School for fourth grade students of the European Gymnasium and the Oriental School was an unforgettable event. The children watched the play "The Beauty and the Beast", which was shown by 6th grade students and went on a tour of the school, which was organised for them by 8th grade students. More

One more victory in her age category was won by Taisiya Onul, a student of the 5M3 class of the International Linguistic School. Her athletic skill grows every winter day when Taisiya trains on the mountain slopes. More

Sixth-graders of the International Linguistic School went to Sedanka Park for a thematic program of the traditional Russian holiday – Maslenitsa. Our students got acquainted with the holiday, which opens the doors to real spring. It was fun and informative. More

The history of Ancient Greece is studied by 5th grade students for several weeks. In the classroom, they listen attentively to the teacher, get acquainted with the myths of Ancient Greece and even play historical scenes. More

The basketball tournament among the fifth grades of the International Linguistic School revealed the best players. The fifth grade teams showed good physical conditions. Each player did his best and showed a beautiful game. More

Students of the International Linguistic School showed high results at the specialized All-Russian Olympiads. The victories of the children are not only assessments of their knowledge, but also confirmation of the high level of skill of teachers. More

The sports festival at the International Linguistic School continues! 6th graders continue to competitions, and now they did their best on football field. More

28 elementary school students took part in the "Festival of Experiments" at the International Linguistic School, and 10th grade student Varvara Pozhitkova supported the children. More

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