School News

"This Wonderful World of Animals" is a new project for students in grades 4 and 5, the basis of which was the consolidation of vocabulary about animals and the animal world and expressive reading of poems or prose about animals. More

ifth grade students of the International Linguistic School went on an exciting excursion to the search and rescue team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Vladivostok. An employee of the rescue team introduced the children to the peculiarities of work in different times of the year, under different weather conditions, at sea and on land. More

A 6M1 student of the International Linguistic School Korey Kosyi was among the winners in the Championship of Primorsky region in karate. During the fights, Korney showed a high result, and his collection of sports achievements was enlarged with a bronze medal. More

On the eve of Victory Day, students of grades 6M1, 6M2, 8M1, 8M2, 10A, 10B and 10V went on excursions to places of military glory. From the very foundation, Vladivostok was conceived as an outpost of Russia on the Pacific Ocean, and the famous Vladivostok fortress became its first defensive object. More

I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! Peaceful sky over everyone's head! More

Many thematic events dedicated to the Victory Day are held at the International Linguistic School. In every Russian family there are relatives who were front-line soldiers who contributed to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Their awards are carefully kept, and stories about War are passed on to their grandchildren. More

Sevastyan Ten, a 2nd grade student of the International Linguistic School, became the best in the Mini class in the karting competition for the Far Eastern Federal District Cup. More

About sixty foreign students of the International Linguistic School became participants of the Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language. Olympiad tasks include a lexic-grammatical test, listening, the ability to write a letter and reading skill. Russian Russian Language Olympiad was preceded by the TRuD test, which the guys wrote as part of the "Total Dictation" campaign, - says the teacher of Russian language and literature Valentina Nikolaevna Kovaleva. – All our students successfully coped with it. They were also pleased with their results at the Olympiad. More

The International Linguistic School took part in the online festival "Russian Word" in the Republic of Korea with two productions. The play "The New Year Adventures of Masha and Vitya" became the best in the categories "Scenography" (Olga Lukinets) and "Directing" (Natalia Kryukova and Anna Belonogova), and the production based on the story of K. Paustovsky's "Basket with fir cones" was awarded prizes in the categories "Best Scenography" (Maria Zhdanova) and "Best Male Role" (Artem Gatin). More

The students of the Art school under the guidance of their teacher Sergey Drobnokhod decided to acquaint the residents of the city with their creativity and the administration of the Museum kindly agreed to help them in it. It is no coincidence that the exhibition is called "Debut". This is a debut for aspiring creators who are beginning to explore both the world around them and the world of art. More

The "Debate Club" is a new project at the International Linguistic School, the debut of which took place during the Week of Sciences. In February, eighth grade students assessed its relevance for consolidating the material they have passed and gaining new knowledge. The inspirer and organizer of the debate club, Russian language teacher Zhanna Roshka decided that it would be interesting to all high school students. More

The musical "Captains" is based on the famous novel "Two Captains". The authors of the musical performance decided to show young viewers in a fascinating and accessible way how interesting a musical performance based on a serious dramatic work can be. More

The drawing contest "China in my Eyes" is part of the World Chinese Language Day, which is celebrated on April 20. Its organizer is the FEFU Confucius Institute. More than 70 works from Vladivostok, Artem and Ussuriysk were sent to the drawing contest "China in my eyes". More

A student of the 8th grade Dmitry Golenitsky won the title of the best boxer of the Far East in categoru U-14. The Far Eastern Federal District Boxing Championship was held in Chita and was dedicated to the memory of the legendary coaches of Transbaikalia. More

"Healthy City" is the theme of an intellectual game among high school students of Vladivostok schools chosen by its organizers. During the competitions, students had to answer questions concerning the topic of sports in all its manifestations: from the history of sports games to little-known facts from the lives of outstanding athletes. More

The VIII International Children's Jazz Festival-competition Pacific Fusion brought together more than a hundred young musicians from seventeen music schools and studios in the Far East. 43 musical compositions were performed on the stage of the International Linguistic School, arranged by both famous composers and teachers of Vladivostok music schools. More

A charity Easter fair in favor of children undergoing treatment at the Children's Oncohematology Center of Vladivostok was held by students of the International Linguistic School. The final part of the fair was an auction, where handmade dolls in Russian national costumes were offered for sale. More

A walking tour in the downtown of Vladivostok completes the project “The Cultural Heritage of Vladivostok” for students of 7th and 8th grades of the International Linguistic School. The route of the trip took place along the historical sites that the guys studied in preparation for the presentation defense. More

The idea to introduce a fifth-grader to different types of hearts belongs to the cordinator of the 5M1, the French language teacher Maria Zhdanova. More

About twenty projects and research papers were presented to the commission by tenth grade students of the International Linguistic School during the public presentation. The topics of students' research were of a wide variety of scientific areas – from the study of dreams to promotion on the NFT platform. More

The project of students of the International Linguistic School “The Cultural Heritage of Vladivostok” has become one of the longest and most intense. It includes an independent study of the history of famous architectural monuments of Vladivostok, lectures-conversations with guides, presentation of projects, acquaintance with their work of elementary school students and a walking tour of the historical center of the Far Eastern capital. More

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