What is the right choice? Sergei Napadny helps students make correct career path decisions

Napadny, an experienced psychologist and teacher, discussed ways of making correct career choices with ILS 10th graders at a recent training at our school. For many students, it was a chanced for significant discovery.

In a four-hour game format, students discussed their achievements during the current academic year, speculated about our future, and established goals and ways of achieving them.

“At the age of sixteen, students need to think seriously about their future profession,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “It is important that they understand that mathematical ability can be applied in the area of economics and finance, engineering, or fundamental research, whereas musical ability can take you to the stage, the classroom, or the music business.”

What is the right choice? Sergei Napadny helps students make correct career path decisions What is the right choice? Sergei Napadny helps students make correct career path decisions What is the right choice? Sergei Napadny helps students make correct career path decisions What is the right choice? Sergei Napadny helps students make correct career path decisions

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