Students of the International Linguistic School are the best in speed cubing and figure skating

10M grade student Karina Ermakova took 1st place in the 3x3x3 Team-Blind discipline with a score of 5:28:98 and 2nd place in the 3x3x3 BLD discipline with a score of 1:04:14 at Vladivostok Winter Edition 2022.

6m1 class student Dmitry Salakhov reached the final of the same competition in the discipline "Cube 3x3x3" - his average result was 15.80 seconds, and the best time was 14.22 seconds. At the Championship of Primorsky Region in figure skating, the “gold” was won by a student of 1M2 student Kira Bordian.

Students of the International Linguistic School are the best in speed cubing and figure skating Students of the International Linguistic School are the best in speed cubing and figure skating Students of the International Linguistic School are the best in speed cubing and figure skating Students of the International Linguistic School are the best in speed cubing and figure skating

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