ILS teachers receive letter of gratitude from Cambridge University exams department

For more than five years, ILS has been a partner of Cambridge University, administering English language exams for receipt of the Cambridge certificate. Twice each year, approximately 100 students test their knowledge of English in this way. 

E. V. Makarova, lead representative for Cambridge Assessment English, expressed her organization's gratitude to ILS English teachers, saying "Studying English for you is more than exams and marks. It is the joy of communicating in a foreign language and the opportunity to receive new knowledge throughout your life. Your efforts help students reach their goals."

"Our school is rightly proud of its cooperation with Cambridge University," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "I would like to acknowledge all of our teachers who prepare the students for success on the Cambridge exams: Svetlana Feshchenko, Tamara Zebnitskaya, Yelena Ozarnikova, Yulia Gofman, Alexandra Matyushina, Anastasia Strogaya, and Stanislav Gerasimov, each of whom makes a significant contribution to our students' accomplishments." 

ILS teachers receive letter of gratitude from Cambridge University exams department

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