"Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins!

Bake pizza, fry pancakes and cook Potato cake - and for everything you have just 2 hours! Will we have time?

- We'll make it, - the students of class 6m1 answered together - Spending time together with the class outside of school is always good communication, and when you also cook something, then every little thing is remembered for a long time, - says Olga Shevchenko, principal of the International Linguistic School. - Friendship, mutual assistance, support, the ability to help any time - the students will carry all these qualities through the years. Having met after many years, someone will remember how they baked fragrant pizza together with classmates.

"Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins! "Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins! "Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins! "Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins! "Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins! "Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins! "Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins! "Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins! "Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins! "Hell's Kitchen": 6M1 class starts and wins!

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