Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!

The traditional December meeting of the Russian Club of the International Linguistic School is dedicated to Russian New Year traditions.
Teachers and children are preparing for it - together with high school students, teachers come up with questions for the quiz and discuss the games that they will offer their students, and children repeat the material they have studied.

When is the New Year celebrated in Russia? What is the main New Year's tradition? What fruits are on the New Year's table in Russian families? What time zone is Vladivostok in? A lot of questions about the Russian New Year awaited the guys at the meeting of the Russian Club during the presentation, which was prepared by a 12th grade student Pak Se-Hee.

- The meeting of the New Year's Russian Club is communication, fun, quizzes, - says Russian language teacher Valentina Nikolaevna Kovaleva. - The Russian language is not only about lessons in the classroom, it is our life every day. We want our students to know as much as possible about our country: they know about its natural attractions, about the size of Russia, its traditions, cultural and national characteristics. The final part of our New Year's party was the arrival of the Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, without which not a single New Year's celebration in Russia is complete. The role of Santa Claus was excellently performed by 10M class student Lim Seung Hyun, and his classmate Hong Gain played the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!  Celebrating the New Year in Russia: International students of the International Linguistic School are celebrating the Russian New Year!

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