The International Linguistic School this year became the custodian of the leopardess L164F, which received the name Koritsa due to a creative approach of a 6M2 class student Moses Khasin. Since then, school students have been on educational excursions to Leopard Land, prepared project work under the guidance of school teachers, high school students have created a project for elementary school students that introduced children to the inhabitants of the southern part of Primorsky region. And all of us together are interested in the life of our Koritsa. More
12th grade students of the International Linguistic School from the Republic of Korea Park Se-Hee and Lee Joon-Hyek successfully passed the second certification level in Russian as a foreign language (TORFL-2). More
Hiking and excursions have already become a good tradition for all students of the International Linguistic School. This time students from 11th and 12th grades went on a hike. Together with their coordinator, English teacher Veronika Burova, they walked around the Botanical Garden of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and reached the famous “Wind Rose” rock located in the Sedanka area. More
Vladislav Milyutin took the 1st place in his age category at the ITF Taekwondo Championship of Primorsky region, which took place on November 6 in Ussuriysk and joined the Primorsky Team. Vladislav shows sports success not only in martial arts: at the school sport event he is in class team in tennis, basketball and volleyball. More
Also they have bronze in basketball with their classmate Andrey Oleshchuk. The autumn holidays were full of sporting events. Akmal and Jamal continue to please us with sports success - boys won 1st and 2nd places in the Championship and Championship of Vladivostok in kickboxing in the discipline of light contact in their age category. At the basketball competition "Autumn Cup - 2022" as part of the team, Jamal, Akmal and Andrey took third place and became bronze medalists! More
One of the exercises for getting the TRP badge is the air rifle shooting exercise. It was done by students of the 11th grade of the International Linguistic School. More
The 1M1 class celebrated the last day of the school term with a field trip to the Trepang Museum, where they had an entertaining quest "Find the Golden Trepang", an informative excursion and a story of a long-distance captain about sea adventures. More
A student of the 2m2 class of the International Linguistic School Timofey Gareev received the award "Best player of the match" at the hockey tournament "World Cup" in Novosibirsk. Timofey is a forward of the Admiral youth hockey team from Vladivostok, the team also became the bronze medalist of the “World Cup”. More
Traditionally, the final physical education lessons in the first quarter for fifth graders of the International Linguistic School are held under the sign of sports competitions "Fun Starts". More
A trip to the Botanical Garden for elementary school students of the International Linguistic School turned out to be full of scientific surprises: the children learned how to grow vegetables in space, how to plant a vegetable garden without land, as well as how to take care of plants that grow in the flower beds of the Botanical Garden. More
The selection tests, which are taken by students of the International Linguistic School, include 13 types of sports exercises, including running, swimming, pull-up on the crossbar, long jumps and others. Part of the exercises is mandatory, part can be selected from the suggested ones. More
This academic year, Maria Ogorodnikova, a student of the 8th grade, became the editor of Fox Tales. Masha is the permanent author of Fox Tales since 5th grade, winner of All-Russian contests of school newspapers. More
Sincerely and lyrically, poems about autumn performed by elementary school students of ILS sounded from the stage. Weeks of careful preparation - and we became the audience of a real autumn performance. More
Akmal Dustiyev, a student of the 5th grade of the International Linguistic School, does not leave any chances to his competitors - he again won gold medal at the kudo festival of the “BRAT” club. More
On the Health Day, the 2nd grade students went on an excursion to the Land of the Leopard National Park. ILS students did not choose this route by chance – in January 2022, the International Linguistic School became the Guardian of a leopardess named Koritsa. This is an important and honorable mission. The tour showed that the students know the rules of behavior in the forest, take care of trees and insects. When studying animal tracks, many were surprised by the musk deer trail and noted unusual boar tracks. More
The International Linguistic School held elections to the Council of Students of the school. The students of grades 7-11 chose a curator of volunteering, environmental and media areas. More
On Friday, October 15, the 8M2 class of the International Linguistic School went on a trip to the Khasansky district in the Land of the Leopard National Park. On this trip they visited the Kravtsov waterfalls, where they saw the waterfalls "Fairy Tale", "Stone Bowl", "Wild Mouth", "Crystal". And later they were taken in the national park "Land of the Leopard", where deer live, and the zoo "White Lion" is, where predatory animals such as tiger, lion, and antelope live. More
The meeting of the linguistic debate club is devoted to the topic "Word combination". The goal of the project "Actual about Russian" – to hear how eighth graders are able to reason, understand what a thesis, argument, counterargument is, and how they master the main topics in Russian, as well as to prepare students for writing the All-Russian test work and the State exam in Russian language. More
Jamal and Akmal Dustiyev took the podium at the Championship and Championship of Primorsky Krai in hand-to-hand combat, which took place on September 14-16 in Vladivostok. The boys, despite their young age, are already experienced athletes. More
According to the organizers, the competition is designed to provide real support and assistance to students, to give a sense of self-confidence based on the fact that the world is orderly and therefore understandable, therefore predictable for a person. And mathematics plays an important role in this! More
Last Friday, October 7, the International Linguistic School hosted a self-government day. Many high school students tried themselves as teachers, and the students really liked to have own lessons! More