ILS 5th grader Aleksei Zakharenko receives certificate of congratulations from local government

ILS 5th grader Aleksei Zakharenko, Vladivostok champion in the Parilla Mini-Class carting competition held in September 2016, recently received a certificate of congratulations from the Vladivostok city government.

Aleksei told us: “I’ve been doing carting since I was two years old and I’ve been in many competitions, including the Primorye Championship, where I took second place, just a little behind the winner. I’m very happy that my achievements have been recognized!

ILS 5th grader Aleksei Zakharenko receives certificate of congratulations from local government ILS 5th grader Aleksei Zakharenko receives certificate of congratulations from local government ILS 5th grader Aleksei Zakharenko receives certificate of congratulations from local government ILS 5th grader Aleksei Zakharenko receives certificate of congratulations from local government

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