ILS holds pioneer ball competition

Another event in the ILS sports festival is a pioneer ball competition for 7th graders, with the young athletes demonstrating impressive skill and dexterity throughout the games.

Competition was stiff during the first week, with the winner yet to be determined.

The games continue next week, and we invite everyone to come and cheer for their friends and classmates. Check out the match schedule at the ILS website. 


ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition ILS holds pioneer ball competition

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