Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov

“The first thing I tell my students when the school year begins is that chemistry is inseparable from our daily lives,” explains ILS IB chemistry teacher Andrei Artemyanov. “And as our study of chemistry progresses, we always find examples of its presence around us.”

Andrei has always been devoted to the study of chemistry. As a schoolboy, he had a laboratory in his home, where he conducted various experiments, and he particularly enjoyed showing his family and friends chemistry “tricks”. Today, he is a Top 10 teacher at the FEFU School of Natural Sciences.

Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov Chemistry and the life of Andrei Artemyanov

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