Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives

Science week began with a lecture for upper class students about underwater robots given by Denis Mikhailov and Anton Tolstonogov of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“Science Week is a traditional event at our school held in the first week of February,” explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “This year we significantly expanded our program that acquaints students with the achievements of modern science. Boys and girls in grades 5-11 took part in “Science Week 2017”, which also included the “Science Metrics” show, thematic brain rings, lessons with scientists from the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and biology lessons at the Primorye Oceanarium. Our goal is to acquaint students with many different achievements of the scientific community and show them how these discoveries change our lives here and now.”  

Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives Science week at MLS: students learn about scientific achievements and see how scientists’ discoveries change people’s lives

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