ILS Vice Principal for Science Marina Artemenko sums up Science Week

Today we wish to share with you the results of Science Week, which was held at ILS from February 6-10.

 - During the week, twelve noted scients from the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted more than 30 classes for students in grades 5-11. What do you think was accomplished?

 - Science week was a serious educational event for students and teachers alike. The classes with scientists helped our students expand their knowledge of nature and humankind, enabled them to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, developed their imagination, and gave them the opportunity to speak with young but already noted scientists from the Russian Far East, who took great pleasure in answering the students’ questions. 

 - You probably discussed this serious event with colleagues, after all, there hadn’t been a Science Week on this scale before.

 - In the opinion of most teachers, lessons like this help to develop students’ research capabilities and their desire to learn new things, while also stimulating their motivation to study.

ILS Vice Principal for Science Marina Artemenko sums up Science Week ILS Vice Principal for Science Marina Artemenko sums up Science Week ILS Vice Principal for Science Marina Artemenko sums up Science Week ILS Vice Principal for Science Marina Artemenko sums up Science Week ILS Vice Principal for Science Marina Artemenko sums up Science Week ILS Vice Principal for Science Marina Artemenko sums up Science Week ILS Vice Principal for Science Marina Artemenko sums up Science Week ILS Vice Principal for Science Marina Artemenko sums up Science Week

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