Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages

ILS 6th graders tested their knowledge of the Middle Ages at a recent brain ring. “Countries of the Middle Ages”, “Christianity and Islam in the Middle Ages”, and “Layers of Middle Age society” were the areas in which our students showed their knowledge and quick recall. Team captains smoothly handled their task of coordinating their classmates’ responses and quickly choosing the right answer, with only 30 seconds given for discussion.

Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages Brain ring for 6th graders: testing our knowledge of the Middle Ages

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