Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community

The spring break was very productive for ILS teachers. ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko and Vice Principal Natalya Tishchenko took part in the “IB Global Conference” in Yokohama, Japan. Valentina Kovaleva, who is head of the International Center and a teacher of Russian Language and Literature, led an ILS delegation at the International Chinese-Russian conference “Problems of teacher preparation and the esthetic and creative training of students” held at Sensei State Pedagogical University in Sian China.

Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community Spring break for teachers: exchange of experience with colleagues from the international pedagogical community

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