«Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere”

 For the second straight year, ILS international students took part in the Far Eastern Youth Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere”.

In the fourth quarter, under the guidance of their teacher, Tatyana Vshivkova, who is president of the Socio-Scientific Coordination Center “Living Water” and head of the International Center for Ecological Monitoring with the Far Eastern Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the students prepared reports on important current topics related to protecting and ecological balance of our planet. 

«Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere” «Человек и биосфера» ILS international students winners at XIV Far Eastern Young Ecological Conference “Humans and the Biosphere”

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