High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert

ILS high school students met recently at the school with Tim Warren, an American film producer and director.

 During their friendly encoounter, where the language was English, Tom showed the students his documentary video High School 9-1-1 about an emergency aid station in the city of Darien, Connecticut. 

Among the questions our students asked was this:

 - What kind of work would you be doing, if you didn't work in the film industry?

"I would be a doctor," Tom answered. "My work at the emergency station had a great impact on me. I learned to make fast decisions in stressful, sometimes extreme situations, to work in a team and never give up."


High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert High School 9-1-1: the importance of always being alert

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