Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students

A new project called "Cognition" has been launched at ILS by scientists from The North Pacific Marine Science Organization.

Students in ILS grades 7-11 were visited by Professor Emanuele Di Lorenzo, deputy director for the Ocean Science and Engineering program at Georgia Tech; Dr Thomas W. Therriault, head of the Pacific Ocean Biological Station in Canada, which is the oldest fisheries research center on the Pacific Coast and one of the nine largest scientific institutes used by Canadian fishing industry companies; and Professor Keith Criddle from the Center for Fisheries and Oceanography at the University of Alaska.

Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students Scientists from the North Pacific Marine Science Organization give lectures to ILS students

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