ILS 6th graders can solve any problem

ILS students continue to learn about TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), and this time the initiates were 6th graders from section 6M2. Teacher-psychologist Sergei Napady and the students worked on theoretical issues, with Sergei using examples to explain how the TRIZ mechanism can be applied in practice to any area of life. It should be noted that TRIZ problems do not have “correct” solutions. All solutions are fine, but some are the most profitable it terms of time and materials used.

“During their lives, our students will face many different situations where they will have to make various decisions,” explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “The TRIZ algorithm can help them to choose the most appropriate and reliable options.”

ILS 6th graders can solve any problem ILS 6th graders can solve any problem ILS 6th graders can solve any problem ILS 6th graders can solve any problem ILS 6th graders can solve any problem ILS 6th graders can solve any problem ILS 6th graders can solve any problem ILS 6th graders can solve any problem

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