Andrei Zharsky: modern world trends influence choice of profession

The “Cognition” project continues at ILS, with students in grades 8-11 attending a lesson in financial literacy given by the manager of the Primorye head office of Sberbank, Andrei Zharsky. The topic of his lecture was “Professions of the future, trends of the new times”.

Andrei Zharsky began his talk with a quote from Microsoft creator Bill Gates: “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. Don't let yourself be lulled into inaction.”

During his lecture, Andrei Zharsky told our students what he believes is the secret of leadership – three types of professional skills: professional skills, soft skills, and digital skills.

Andrei Zharsky: modern world trends influence choice of profession Andrei Zharsky: modern world trends influence choice of profession Andrei Zharsky: modern world trends influence choice of profession Andrei Zharsky: modern world trends influence choice of profession Andrei Zharsky: modern world trends influence choice of profession Andrei Zharsky: modern world trends influence choice of profession Andrei Zharsky: modern world trends influence choice of profession

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