“Cognition” project: ILS students learn about stock market

The latest in a series of financial literacy lessons for ILS high school students as part of the “Cognition” project was a lecture on the modern credit and banking system and the stock market given by Igor Rumyantsev, head of the Global Markets Department of the Primorye Division of Sberbank.

“Financial literacy lectures are part of our students’ academic program,” explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Our high school students are already beginning to think about their future profession, and this knowledge could be useful for them.”

“Cognition” project: ILS students learn about stock market “Cognition” project: ILS students learn about stock market “Cognition” project: ILS students learn about stock market “Cognition” project: ILS students learn about stock market “Cognition” project: ILS students learn about stock market

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