Artwork exhibition opens at ILS

An exhibition of paintings by ILS students has opened in the school’s first floor Art-Etage, including about 20 works in different genres and techniques for the viewing pleasure of our students and guests.

“Each child is an enormous art studio, where a wide range of interests gather and develop – from serious musical creation to sport,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “And with the proper distribution of effort, including academic effort, success will follow.”

Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS Artwork exhibition opens at ILS

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тел. +7(423) 240-42-84? 240-42-83

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