Marymount California University - our people in America

Vadim Sarana, a 2017 ILS graduate, is now a student at Marymount California University in Los Angeles with a major in Business.

"Things were perfect with English, just fine with mathematics," says Vadim, about his first semester at the university. "Writing is a very useful subject - here, we write essays all the time."

"There are not a lot of international students here," Vadim continues, "but there are some from Asia and Europe, and of course I've made new friends."

Vadim's program gives him an excellent opportunity to get valuable, unforgettable experience. After a year of study at an American university, each student feels like part of the community.

"We are pleased that our students adapt well at overseas universities," says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "The IB program includes a wide range of subjects that make it easier for our students to adjust to universities in other countries. And as we see, the quality of education is also on a high level."

Marymount California University - our people in America Marymount California University - our people in America Marymount California University - our people in America Marymount California University - our people in America

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