Philology, PR, Business, Information Science: just a few of the majors chosen by ILS graduates

Daniil Adrianiov and Anton Khoroshev are approaching the mid-point of their university studies, with Daniil majoring in PR at Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, and Anton pursuing a degree in Business Strategy at Munich Business School.

"I had no idea that I would enjoy Finance," Anton admits. "But after a year of study at FEFU, I realized that I needed to move on, and circumstances enabled me to continue my studies at Munich Business School in Germany. I believe that a degre from MBS, along with the fine start I received at ILS, will lead quickly to a fine career."

"ILS graduates choose a very wide range of majors at university - from Philology to Information and  Computer Science," explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "The knowledge our students receive enables them to succeed in their higher education studies. We are very pleased that their interests are so diverse, and we hope they will achieve their goals and thrive in their chosen professions."

Philology, PR, Business, Information Science: just a few of the majors chosen by ILS graduates

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