Developing creative abilities in Russian class is not a myth at ILS

Students are never bored at Russian language and literature lessons with Galina Korotokonozhkina, as they always reinforce their new knowledge with creative activities. In their most recent lesson, students prepared drawings and other materials in support of the topic “Alternation of the vowels ‘o’ and ‘a’ in the roots ‘lag-lozh’ and ‘kos-kas’.”

“By developing their ability to think in images, students master new material more easily and deeply, “explains Galina. “The children use the appropriate vowel in word roots and create handsome materials to illustrate what they have learned.”

Almost all the students in 5th grade section 5M2 chose the nettle plant as the main character of their compositions and various designs, including drawings, photos, and, in one case, a mini-book.

“Our teachers try to use various forms of interaction in the education process,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “It is very important to develop students’ ability to think creatively, and our teachers incorporate special activities for this purpose.”

Developing creative abilities in Russian class is not a myth at ILS Developing creative abilities in Russian class is not a myth at ILS Developing creative abilities in Russian class is not a myth at ILS Developing creative abilities in Russian class is not a myth at ILS Developing creative abilities in Russian class is not a myth at ILS

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