About 3000 people visit the ILS website each month

From 100 to 150 people visitor the ILS website every day, using the automatic registration device Yandex Metric. However, on some days the number of viewers exceeds 200.

The ILS site functions as a fully-fledged portal. Some of the most popular sections are “Educational Minimum”, “Questions for the Principal”, “Education”, “A LEVEL Intellectual Development Center” and the news. It is good to see that we have a steady stream of readers from South Korea, the US and China, along with visitors from Japan, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Mexico, New Zealand and Iran. Readers from 40 countries visited the English-language version of our site last month.

“Our records show that about 3,000 people visit our site every month, and we are constantly making improvements to the form and content, including the impending launch of a site for people with limited capacities” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Our goal is that any visitor interested in school-age education, the professional accomplishments of our teachers, and the opportunities we offer for supplemental education can make use of our experience. We are always in search of new forms of electronic communication.”

About 3000 people visit the ILS website each month About 3000 people visit the ILS website each month About 3000 people visit the ILS website each month

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