Professor Elizaveta Khamrayeva leads advanced professional training course at ILS

A course in advanced professional training for teachers entitled “Contemporary Russian language teaching in a bilingual and multicultural environment” led by Professor and Doctor of Pedagogical Science Elizaveta Khamrayeva of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University was given in the first week of February at ILS.

During the four-day program, teachers from FEFU, VGUES, ILS and the European Pro-gymnasium heard lectures on subjects such as “Psycho-pedagogical aspects of teaching Russian as a native, non-native and foreign language”, “Actionable approaches to education. Modern lessons today”, “Game technology and theatralization” and “Subject integrative language education” and many others – a total of about 20 topics, presented by Professor Khamrayeva and her colleague at the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Assistant Professor and Candidate of Pedagogical Science Irina Kondrakova, who serves as head of the university’s Division of Organizational and Methodological Cooperation in Pedagogical Education.

Professor Elizaveta Khamrayeva leads advanced professional training course at ILS Professor Elizaveta Khamrayeva leads advanced professional training course at ILS Professor Elizaveta Khamrayeva leads advanced professional training course at ILS Professor Elizaveta Khamrayeva leads advanced professional training course at ILS Professor Elizaveta Khamrayeva leads advanced professional training course at ILS Professor Elizaveta Khamrayeva leads advanced professional training course at ILS Professor Elizaveta Khamrayeva leads advanced professional training course at ILS

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