Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more

Science Week at ILS opened with a fascinating lecture by an old friend of the school, Maksim Kirilyevich, a Candidate of Economic Science, who serves as Head of the Expert Group of the FEFU School of Economics and Management. The highly experienced economist told students in grades 8-11 about the opportunities and risks hidden in virtual money.

Other participants in Science Week include ILS students in grades 4-10: public defense of research projects by 9th grade students, exciting physics experiments, stimulating creative lessons in mathematics, meetings with scientists from the Far Eastern Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and various excursions. About 40 different exhilarating science events await students during the week.

“For the comfortable lives we live today we must thank scientific discoveries made at various times,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Many scientists worked on inventing the electric light bulb, and electricity in every home is part of our lives today. Computer technology, which is enjoyed by virtually everyone, has changed the world. There are many talented students at our school, and we believe that the knowledge that visiting scientists and scholars share with them creates a strong foundation for the development of scientific thinking and opens the doors to the world of science, where the possibilities for new creative work are boundless.”

Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more Science week, day one: cryptocurrency, research project defense, and so much more

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