Science Week in full swing at ILS

“Russia has made a strong commitment to supporting talented, promising students,” notes Olga Nesterova, head of the Department of Soil Science at the Far Eastern Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, at the beginning of her lecture for ILS 9th and 10th graders. “We would like to see you become participants in our department’s scientific programs, which include grants for working with school students.”

Just like 6th graders before them, ILS 5th graders flexed their intellectual muscles in a spirited game of brain ring.

After lunch our 4th graders and a group of 5th graders from section 5M1 paid a visit to the Primorye Oceanarium, where they had a very interesting and informative lesson.

ILS 6th graders visited the Primorye Hydrometerological Center, where they were taken on an exciting excursion and were told how meteorologists forecast the weather.  

Our 10th graders also had a field trip, this time to the Pacific Research Center for the Fishing Industry.

“Science Week is moving towards its culmination,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko, “with many fascinating and edifying lessons still to come.”

Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS Science Week in full swing at ILS

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