From homework assignment to class favorite

Once upon a time, biology lessons for 6th graders in section 6M2 took an unexpected turn: Their teacher, Lilia Lvova, gave the students the assignment of cultivating bean seeds in order to study their structure.

“After the lesson, some of my classmates threw out their bean shoots,” says Liza Rudenko, “but I felt sorry for mine, so I planted it. Later, when it was growing well, my mother gave it some plant food. I named it Fedya, and now it’s growing on the windowsill in our class room.”

Fedya the bean plant has graced the 6th grade classroom for half a year, and the students are following its growth and taking care of it. Recently, new shoots appeared, as Fedya continues to thrive.

From homework assignment to class favorite   From homework assignment to class favorite   From homework assignment to class favorite

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