Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island

ILS students from section 5M2 finished their study of Daniel Defoe's novel "Robinson Crusoe" with a creative lesson.

Class members were given a chioce of homework assignments: draw a picture, prepare a quiz, or recreate a scene from the story. Based on their choices , the children were then divided into teams.

"Assignments like this help students to fix the material in their minds and think creatively," says Russian Language and Literature teacher Galina Korotkonozhkina.

"Lessons that include creative tasks have a positive effect on students' mastery of the material they read," explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. 

Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island Fifth graders transported to Robinson Crusoe's island

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