"Bremen Town Musicians" - united we stand, nothing to fear!

The musical "Bremen Town Musicians" premiered on the ILS stage, with students from 5th grade section 5M1 offering the first performance.

"The show is a multi-disciplinary project performed completely in English," explains ILS English Language teacher Aleksandra Matyushina.

"It is wonderful when students sing and dance, thoroughly enjoying the process as they perform," says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "None of these students will have a language barrier, for even now they can speak a foreign language fluently."

"Bremen Town Musicians" - united we stand, nothing to fear! "Bremen Town Musicians" - united we stand, nothing to fear! "Bremen Town Musicians" - united we stand, nothing to fear! "Bremen Town Musicians" - united we stand, nothing to fear! "Bremen Town Musicians" - united we stand, nothing to fear! "Bremen Town Musicians" - united we stand, nothing to fear! "Bremen Town Musicians" - united we stand, nothing to fear! "Bremen Town Musicians" - united we stand, nothing to fear! "Bremen Town Musicians" - united we stand, nothing to fear!

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