ILS 8th grader Cho Sein prize winner at 3rd International Inter-university Festival for Foreign Students "I study in Russia"

ILS 8th grader Cho Sein from South Korea was among the prize winners at the 3rd International Inter-university Festival for Foreign Students "I study in Russia", thanks to her rendition of A. Fet's poem "Butterfly".

Before participating in the festival, Sein took part in the school competition "Russia through our eyes" and was the winner in her age category.

"Being in a team with strong competitors is always a great stimulus for development," says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "I congratulate Sein and her teacher for taking a prize, and I wish Sein continued success in her study of Russian language and culture."

 ILS 8th grader Cho Sein prize winner at 3rd International Inter-university Festival for Foreign Students "I study in Russia"

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