Projects and research work defended at ILS

 The 4th quarter began for ILS 9th and 10th graders with the defense of their projects and research work. This year's list of topics was unusually wide, including literature, psychology, geography, biology, and IT. A total of 23 different works were submitted to the panel of judges. 

For example, section 10B students Petr Troshchenko, Aleksei Shadlovsky and Mikhail Nekhoroshev, together with their project leader IT teacher Anton Glupak, did research on the topic "Neuronetworks". One example of this type of network is the popular musical application "Shazam".

Section 9M3 students Elena Bolsunovskaya and Maria Sventsitskaya, under the guidance of Russian Language and Literature teacher Natalya Gaiduk, did research on the topic "Modern bestsellers - real literature or passing fashion?"

"All our students did a great deal of work," notes ILS Deputy Principal Marina Artemenko. "Defense of the projects also plays a very important role: how they are prepared and presented to the judges."

Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS Projects and research work defended at ILS

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