Career potential testing - an excellent way to discover your hidden capabilities

ILS students in grades 7-10 recently had career potential testing, administered by school psychologist Marina Yagupova.

After the testing, the students answered questions from the school psychology team. Following analysis of the students' answers, the team reached conclusions about the effectiveness of the testing.

They discovered that most students are aware of new profrofessional opportunities available on today's market, but some students were concerned that the results did not match their own self-image.

"It is important to discover and develop students' talents in a timely manner," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "Natuarlly, testing of this kind can only give approximate guidance towards the choice a future profession, since much depends on each student's efforts and desires. Nevertheless, the tests can help students to think about their choices and their individual capabilities."

Career potential testing - an excellent way to discover your hidden capabilities Career potential testing - an excellent way to discover your hidden capabilities Career potential testing - an excellent way to discover your hidden capabilities Career potential testing - an excellent way to discover your hidden capabilities Career potential testing - an excellent way to discover your hidden capabilities Career potential testing - an excellent way to discover your hidden capabilities Career potential testing - an excellent way to discover your hidden capabilities

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