ILS high school students successfully complete GTO

Every year, ILS students test their physical capabilities by going through the GTO (Ready for labor and defense) PE and sport program.

"Sport has always been a priority at ILS," explains PE teacher Raisa Soroka, "and our students have been participating successfully in the GTO program since 2017."

The GTO progran for school students includes pull-ups, a 60-meter sprint, toe-touching with straight legs, push-ups, long-jump, dumbell lifting, stomach crunches, and a cross-country run.

"Students in grades 9-11 participate in the GTO," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "As last year showed, our students are quite well prepared and achieve excellent results, and I hope they will continue to excel in sport in the future."

ILS high school students successfully complete GTO ILS high school students successfully complete GTO ILS high school students successfully complete GTO ILS high school students successfully complete GTO

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