ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery

ILS 6th graders and their homeroom teacher Aleksandra Matyushina visited the unique Klim Voroshilov shore cannon battery No 981 on Russian Island in Vladivostok.

On the eve of Victory Day the students set off on their excursion, visiting the fortress museum, climbing on real tanks and military transport vehicles, shooting rifles and trying soldiers' porridge. The students also visited a partisans' village, where they tried to throw grenades from trenches and saw how partisans' bunkers are constructed.

"The site we visited is a branch of the Pacific Fleet Museum," Aleksandra Matyushina reports. "The only similar military battery is in Sevestopol."

"Vladivostok has always been Russia's Far Post on the Pacific Ocean, and there are quite a few fortifications in and around the city," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "Excursions like this are an excellent opportunity for students to learn about the history of the city and the history of war."

ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery ILS 6th graders shoot rifles and try soldiers' porridge at Voroshilov Battery

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